
8 Ways to Save Few Dollars a Day

There are jobless people are there right now around the world. Despite of the recession that is happening, individuals are trying to lessen their daily expenses as much as possible. Now I am sharing with you these helpful tips on how to save few dollars a day. These things really work on me, surely these will be helpful for you too.

  1. Pack your lunch and your midday snacks instead of buying outside.
  2. Prepare your own coffee at home, if at work just drink the free drinks.
  3. Stop having dinner outside. But when you do, go for the early-bird specials.
  4. Avoid ATM fees, by simply using the machines at your bank.
  5. Stop playing the lottery. ( there is an individual who spent $10 a week only for playing lottery and if you are going to calculate that in 5 years, that is already a lot of money)
  6. Quit Smoking.
  7. If you drive going to work, share with your friends or you can take a bus.
  8. Plan your meals for the week, shop once and don't forget to bring your list.


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